IP is an acronym “Ingress Protection”. It is a measurement of the protection an item will have against solid objects (dust, sand, dirt, etc.) and liquids. An IP rating is comprised of 2 numbers. The first number refers to the protection against solid objects (dust, etc.) and the second number refers to protection against liquids.

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What is an IP Rating?

Each IP rating has two numbers, both of which give you information about the protection level. A higher number means greater protection against solids and liquids.
■ The first number (0-6) refers to the level of protection against solid objects and moving parts, such as dust, debris, or other solid matter.
■ The second number (0-8) references the level of liquid and moisture protection.

Take a look at the chart below to better understand the protection offered with each number.

IP rating chart

IP ratings are represented by combining the first and second digits of the following columns.

Here you can download the leaflet „DEGREES OF IP PROTECTION“ in English language: